What Is Endocrine System?


What is Endocrine System?

Hormones are chemicals that affect a lot of bodily functions ranging from hunger, reproduction, and growth to much more complicated functions like human emotions and behavior. 

Also read: Lipids

Endocrine Glands

Endocrine glands discharge their respective substances directly into the bloodstream as opposed to through duct-like exocrine glands (sweat, salivary). The hormones that are produced by these endocrine glands, which are part of the body's regulatory system, aid in regulating the actions of cells and tissues. Certain glands are only present in males (testes) or females (ovaries)

Significant Endocrine Glands

Pituitary gland

The pituitary gland, which is located deep inside the skull, is the size of a pea. This gland is regarded as the master gland as it controls the functions of all the other glands (such as the adrenal, and thyroid glands) in the endocrine system. 

Thyroid gland

At the front of the neck are the thyroid glands. It is situated close to the windpipe in the throat. It is a brownish-red color with blood vessels running through it. It secretes a group of hormones known as thyroid hormones. The two that have the biggest effects on the body's metabolism are T3 and T4.

Parathyroid glands

Four tiny glands known as the parathyroid glands are found in the neck behind the thyroids. They generate a hormone known as the parathyroid hormone that affects the body's calcium levels. Kidney stones and brittle bones can occasionally result from the gland's overproduction of parathyroid hormones.

Adrenal glands

The kidneys are atop the smaller-than-a-walnut adrenal glands. More than 150 hormones are produced by these glands and they control numerous bodily processes. Adrenaline is the most well-known of them, as it causes the flight or fight reaction.

  • Increasing blood sugar levels
  • Increasing the blood supply to the muscles, particularly to the limbs.
  • Dilating the pupils
  • Increasing the heart rate
  • Tightening the jaw muscles.


The pancreas is exocrine as well as an endocrine gland that sits behind the stomach. 


Certain glands are only present in males or females. For instance, females only have ovaries, which are found in the pelvic cavity. While only guys are eligible for the testing. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries and is essential for female sex traits and reproduction. Male genitalia traits are caused by testosterone, which is produced by the testes. Additionally, it causes more body hair and muscle.

Pineal gland

It generates melatonin, a hormone that affects the body's biological clock. The Circadian Rhythm, as it is also called, affects the body's sleep/wake cycle. Unless the person is very sleep deprived, its effects are not particularly visible. Circadian rhythm tends to correspond with the day and night cycle, thus factors like jet lag or working the night shift have a more pronounced impact on a person.

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